Services |
Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy that is often referred to as "acupuncture without needles" or as a "drugless therapy". Pressure is applied with thumbs, palms and elbow to acupuncture points along the body. The points are located along channels of energy called meridians.
Long before Western Medicine acknowledged the relationship that exists between the skin and the internal organs, the Chinese had developed the meridian system for treating disease by stimulating specific points on the skin. The aim of Shiatsu is to relive the ailment and promote health and balance. |
Shiatsu Body Massage
Price: $90 + $0 HST
Time: 60 minutes *** 45min and 30min treatments also available. *** |
Shiatsu therapy for the feet increases the "vital energy" that is circulating between organs of the human body, that penetrates into every living cell. Whenever this energy is blocked, the zone of blockage will be affected, and the reflex zones can indicate the blockage of energy in different organs. The pressure applied to the reflex zones by the therapist will pass through the nerves to dissipate energy blocks. By performing Shiatsu on the feet, you are increasing circulation and promoting specific bodily and muscular functions. |
Shiatsu for Feet
Price: $50.00 + $0 HST
Time: 30 minutes |
Cupping is a method of treating disease by causing local congestion. A partial vacuum is created in the jars, usually by means of heat, which are then applied to the skin, drawing up the underlying tissues and forming blood stasis. This method is utilized in treating consumptive and rheumatic diseases. Single cups may be applied on smaller areas and several cups to a wider region. The cups may be moved over large flat areas and herbal preparations may be used with the cupping technique. |
Cupping Price: $25 + $0 HST
Time: 15 minutes |